ألعاب تعليمية حسابية مغناطيسية

Dhs. 24.00
Dhs. 40.00
Dhs. 24.00

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199 درهمًا إماراتيًا خصم 10% كود خصم يونيو 10

299 درهم خصم 15% كود Juni15

399 درهم اماراتي خصم 20% كود Juni20

المجموع الفرعي: Dhs. 24.00
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شحن مجاني قياسي على الطلبات التي تزيد عن 299 درهمًا إماراتيًا

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ألعاب تعليمية حسابية مغناطيسية

ألعاب تعليمية حسابية مغناطيسية

Dhs. 40.00 Dhs. 24.00

ألعاب تعليمية حسابية مغناطيسية

Dhs. 40.00 Dhs. 24.00

    لوح الكتابة LCD من JUNI باللون الوردي: أداة التعلم المثالية للأطفال

    يعد لوح الكتابة LCD الوردي من JUNI أداة الكتابة والرسم المثالية للأطفال والكبار، وهو مصمم لتعزيز الإبداع والتعلم بطريقة ممتعة وصديقة للبيئة. يتميز هذا اللوح الرقمي للكتابة بأنه خفيف الوزن وقابل للحمل، مما يجعله مثاليًا للاستخدام في المنزل أو المدرسة أو حتى أثناء السفر. بفضل لونه الوردي الزاهي، يعد اللوح جذابًا بشكل خاص للفتيات الصغيرات، ولكن ميزاته تجعله مناسبًا لأي شخص يستمتع بالرسم أو التخطيط أو ممارسة الكتابة.

    • تصميم صديق للبيئة وقابل لإعادة الاستخدام: يعد لوح الكتابة LCD من JUNI خيارًا ممتازًا للآباء الذين يريدون بديلاً صديقًا للبيئة للأنشطة الورقية. تعمل لوحة الكتابة القابلة لإعادة الاستخدام للأطفال على تقليل هدر الورق، مما يسمح للأطفال بالكتابة والمحو آلاف المرات دون الحاجة إلى ورق مادي. إنها أداة رائعة لتشجيع الاستدامة في المنزل أو في الفصول الدراسية. مع الطلب المتزايد على الحلول الخالية من الورق، تعد لوحة الكتابة JUNI خيارًا ذكيًا للأغراض البيئية والتعليمية. يستخدم لوح الكتابة هذا بطارية قابلة للاستبدال على شكل عملة، مما يضمن الاستخدام طويل الأمد مع الحد الأدنى من الصيانة. يعني التصميم الموفر للبطارية أنه يمكن استخدام الجهاز اللوحي لشهور دون الحاجة إلى استبداله، مما يجعله حلاً للكتابة فعالاً من حيث التكلفة وصديقًا للبيئة.
    • زر المسح بنقرة واحدة: مزود بزر مسح مريح بنقرة واحدة، يسمح لوح الكتابة LCD من JUNI للأطفال بمسح الشاشة بسرعة، مما يشجعهم على الاستمرار في ممارسة الكتابة اليدوية أو الرسم دون الحاجة إلى أوراق متعددة. هذه الميزة مثالية للأطفال الصغار ومرحلة ما قبل المدرسة الذين لا يزالون يطورون مهاراتهم في الكتابة، حيث إنها تجعل عملية التعلم أكثر جاذبية وأقل إحباطًا. يجعل لوح الكتابة LCD المزود بقلم الكتابة ممارسة الكتابة اليدوية ممتعة وتفاعلية. يوفر قلم القلم المتضمن تحكمًا دقيقًا لكل من الرسم والكتابة، مما يساعد الأطفال على تحسين مهاراتهم الحركية الدقيقة وتنسيق اليد والعين.
    • محمول وخفيف الوزن للتعلم أثناء التنقل: إحدى الميزات البارزة لجهاز JUNI Writing Tablet هو تصميمه خفيف الوزن والمحمول. سواء تم استخدامه في المنزل أو المدرسة أو أثناء السفر، يمكن حمل هذا الجهاز اللوحي الرقمي للكتابة بسهولة في حقيبة الظهر، مما يجعله أداة متعددة الاستخدامات للأطفال لاستخدامها في أي وقت وفي أي مكان. إنه مثالي للتعلم أثناء التنقل ويبقي الأطفال مستمتعين أثناء ركوب السيارة أو الرحلات العائلية أو حتى أوقات الانتظار في المطاعم. يمكن للآباء في دبي وفي جميع أنحاء الإمارات العربية المتحدة الاستفادة من قابلية نقل الجهاز اللوحي، واستخدامه لدعم تعليم أطفالهم مع تقليل وقت الشاشة على الأجهزة الأخرى. كما يسهل تصميمه النحيف تخزينه عند عدم استخدامه.
    • الفوائد التعليمية للوحة الكتابة JUNI: إن لوحة الكتابة LCD الوردية JUNI هي أكثر من مجرد أداة رسم - إنها أداة تعليمية متعددة الاستخدامات تدعم تطوير المهارات المهمة للأطفال. يساعد الجهاز اللوحي المتعلمين الصغار على تحسين خط اليد وممارسة مسائل الرياضيات وتعزيز مهاراتهم الحركية الدقيقة. بالنسبة للآباء الذين يبحثون عن أفضل جهاز لوحي للكتابة لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة، فإن جهاز الكتابة JUNI يوفر طريقة ممتعة لإثارة حماس الأطفال للتعلم. هذا الجهاز اللوحي رائع أيضًا للرسم الإبداعي، حيث يوفر منصة للأطفال للتعبير عن جانبهم الفني. يمنح جهاز الرسم الخالي من الورق الأطفال حرية تجربة الرسم والأشكال والأنماط دون فوضى أقلام التلوين أو العلامات. سواء في المنزل أو المدرسة، فإن جهاز الكتابة JUNI هو أداة ممتازة للأطفال لتطوير قدراتهم الأكاديمية والإبداعية.
    • أعمار ومراحل تعلم مختلفة: تم تصميم لوح الكتابة LCD من JUNI للأطفال من سن 3 إلى 10 سنوات، ويتكيف مع مراحل مختلفة من التطور. سواء كان طفلك يتعلم كتابة الحروف والأرقام أو يتقن مهارات أكثر تقدمًا مثل الرسم وحل المشكلات، فإن لوح الكتابة الرقمي هذا ينمو مع قدراته. بالنسبة لمرحلة ما قبل المدرسة، إنها طريقة رائعة للبدء في ممارسة الكتابة اليدوية، بينما يمكن للأطفال الأكبر سنًا استخدامه في أنشطة الرسم والخربشة الإبداعية. كما أنه مناسب للاستخدام في فصول رياض الأطفال أو المدارس الابتدائية، حيث يمكن للمعلمين استخدامه كجزء من الدروس التفاعلية. يجعل التصميم الملون والميزات الجذابة للكمبيوتر اللوحي التعلم أشبه باللعب، مما يضمن بقاء الأطفال متحفزين ومتحمسين لممارسة مهاراتهم.
    • دعم تعليم العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات في دبي والإمارات العربية المتحدة: مع تأكيد دبي والإمارات العربية المتحدة بشكل متزايد على أهمية تعليم العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات، فإن الأدوات مثل JUNI LCD Writing Tablet مثالية لتعزيز حب التعلم لدى الأطفال الصغار. يتماشى هذا الجهاز اللوحي التعليمي مع تركيز الإمارات العربية المتحدة على الحد من هدر الورق مع تعزيز التفكير النقدي والإبداع. سواء لممارسة مسائل الرياضيات أو تحسين الكتابة اليدوية أو إنشاء تصاميم فنية، فإن JUNI LCD Writing Pad يدعم تطوير المهارات المهمة المتعلقة بالعلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات بطريقة ممتعة وتفاعلية.
    • أداة التعلم الثنائي اللغة: بالنسبة للعائلات في دبي والإمارات العربية المتحدة، يوفر لوح الكتابة JUNI أداة قيمة للتعليم الثنائي اللغة. يمكن للأطفال ممارسة الكتابة باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية، مما يجعله مثاليًا للأسر ثنائية اللغة أو الفصول الدراسية. يعد لوح الكتابة الرقمي سهل الاستخدام ويشجع الأطفال على تجربة لغات مختلفة مع تحسين مهارات الكتابة اليدوية باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.
    • أين يمكنك شراء لوح الكتابة JUNI LCD باللون الوردي: يتوفر لوح الكتابة JUNI LCD باللون الوردي للشراء عبر الإنترنت من كبار تجار التجزئة مثل Noon وAmazon UAE، مما يجعله في متناول العائلات والمعلمين في جميع أنحاء الإمارات العربية المتحدة. سواء كنت تبحث عن لوح كتابة بأسعار معقولة للأطفال أو لوحة رسم رقمية متعددة الاستخدامات، فإن لوح الكتابة JUNI هو خيار ممتاز.

    DIY & Customization Ideas for Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys

    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys offer a range of possibilities for customization, making learning math more enjoyable for children in Dubai and the UAE. With these toys, parents and teachers can create personalized, fun learning experiences that help children develop their math skills while keeping them engaged. From DIY math challenges to custom magnetic pieces, there are endless ways to customize these toys for more interactive and creative learning.

    1. Create Custom Math Challenges

    Personalizing Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys by creating custom math challenges is an excellent way to engage children. Parents and teachers can develop specific math problems according to the child’s age and skill level. This helps children in Dubai and the UAE.

    3. Personalized Magnetic Boards

    Create personalized magnetic boards With Juni toys for math learning.Decorating the board with your child’s favorite characters, themes, or colors, you make learning more inviting. This DIY project can be done at home or in the classroom, making it a perfect way to encourage children to use their Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys more regularly. Personalizing the learning environment helps children take pride in their math practice and stay motivated.

    4. Story-Based Math Problems

    Children love stories, and integrating math problems into stories can be a fun way to help them learn. With Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys, parents can create simple math stories for children to solve. For example, "You have 3 toys, and you receive 2 more. How many toys do you have now?" Kids can use the magnetic pieces to solve the problem, adding a narrative element to math learning. This method is effective for young learners, especially in bilingual households in Dubai where both English and Arabic are spoken.

    5. Design Your Own Magnetic Pieces

    Let children customize their own magnetic numbers and symbols. You can cut out new numbers from colorful paper or felt, and attach magnets to the back. This DIY project not only adds a fun craft element to learning but also gives children a sense of ownership over their math learning tools. Kids in Dubai can make their own themes, such as animals or space, to add an extra layer of creativity to math learning.

    6. Themed Math Games &  DIY Math Puzzles

    Make math more interactive by designing themed math games. For example, use the magnetic pieces to create a space exploration game where children solve math problems to "travel to the moon." Themed games are an exciting way to keep children engaged, especially in classrooms in Dubai and across the UAE. Adding creative themes to math learning helps kids relate to the subject matter, making it easier to grasp mathematical concepts. Turn math into a fun challenge by creating DIY math puzzles using Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys. Break down problems into smaller steps and ask children to solve each step to complete the puzzle. This approach encourages children to think critically and enhances their problem-solving skills. Teachers in Dubai can use these puzzles for group activities, promoting collaborative learning in the classroom.

    8. Interactive Math Calendar & Math Art Creations

    Create an interactive math calendar where children solve a new math problem each day. Once they find the correct answer using the magnetic pieces, they can mark the day on the calendar. This DIY activity helps children in the UAE practice math daily, making it part of their routine. Parents and teachers can adjust the difficulty of the problems based on the child’s progress, ensuring consistent improvement. For children who love art, you can combine math with creativity by asking them to arrange magnetic numbers into fun shapes like animals or buildings. Each number can be part of a math problem that the child has to solve. This DIY project blends art and math learning, making it enjoyable for children while helping them enhance their math skills. 


    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys provide many opportunities for DIY customization and interactive learning, especially for children in Dubai and the UAE. Whether you’re creating custom math challenges, designing themed math games, or personalizing magnetic boards, these toys offer a flexible and fun way for children to improve their math skills. Customizing their learning environment makes math more enjoyable and helps children develop a positive attitude toward the subject.

    Sustainability & Safety of Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys

    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are designed with both sustainability and safety in mind, ensuring that they are not only beneficial for children’s education but also environmentally friendly and safe for daily use. These toys meet international safety standards, making them ideal for parents and teachers in Dubai and the UAE who prioritize the well-being of their children while also being conscious of their environmental impact.

    1. Sustainable Materials

    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are made from non-toxicBPA-free plastic, which is safe for children and durable enough to last through years of use. This material is chosen for its strength and longevity, ensuring that the toys can be used repeatedly without wear and tear. Additionally, the packaging for these toys is made from recyclable materials, further contributing to a reduced environmental footprint.

    By investing in these long-lasting and eco-friendly toys, parents and educators in the UAE are making a positive impact on the environment. The use of sustainable materials means that fewer toys end up in landfills, supporting a more environmentally conscious approach to education.

    2. Durable and Reusable

    These toys are built to last. Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are designed to withstand heavy use in both home and classroom settings. Their durable construction ensures that they can be passed down from one child to another, promoting the idea of reusable learning materials. This reduces the need for frequent replacements, cutting down on waste and unnecessary consumption.

    In Dubai, where sustainability initiatives are increasingly important, having durable toys that can be used repeatedly aligns with the country’s goals to reduce waste and encourage responsible consumption.

    3. Environmentally Friendly Packaging

    The packaging for Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys is made from recycled and recyclable materials, ensuring that it has a minimal environmental impact. The packaging is designed to be compact and efficient, reducing waste during shipping and storage. Once the toys are unpacked, the materials can be easily recycled, making it a simple step toward more sustainable practices.

    By using eco-friendly packaging, these toys support the UAE’s growing focus on sustainability and help parents and teachers contribute to reducing waste in their daily lives.

    4. Child-Safe Design

    Safety is a top priority when it comes to Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys. These toys are designed with child safety in mind and meet strict international standards such as ASTM and EN71, which ensure they are free from harmful chemicals and safe for children to handle. The magnets are securely embedded within the pieces, preventing any risk of detachment and ensuring the toys are safe for young children to use.

    The pieces are also large enough to prevent choking hazards, making them ideal for younger children, particularly in preschool or kindergarten settings in Dubai and the UAE. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that these toys are designed with safety at the forefront.

    5. Smooth and Rounded Edges

    All the magnetic pieces have smooth and rounded edges to ensure that children can safely handle them without the risk of cuts or injuries. This design is particularly important for younger children who may still be developing their fine motor skills. The smooth edges also make the toys more comfortable to use during extended learning sessions, whether at home or in a classroom.

    In the UAE, where early childhood education is highly valued, having toys that are safe and easy to handle ensures a positive learning environment for children.

    6. Non-Toxic Materials

    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are made from non-toxic, BPA-free plastic, which is free from harmful chemicals that could pose risks to children. This material has been rigorously tested to ensure it meets the highest standards of child safety. The use of non-toxic materials is essential for parents and educators who want to ensure that the toys children are using are both safe and environmentally friendly.

    The UAE places a strong emphasis on child safety, and these toys are an excellent choice for anyone looking for safe, high-quality educational tools.

    7. Encourages Sustainable Learning Practices

    By using Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys, parents and teachers are promoting sustainable learning practices. The durable design ensures that these toys can be reused, reducing the need for single-use educational materials. This is especially beneficial for classrooms in Dubai where multiple children can benefit from the same set of toys over time.

    Encouraging children to take care of their learning tools also fosters a sense of responsibility and respect for the environment, helping to instill sustainable habits from a young age.

    8. Long-Lasting Educational Value

    Because Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are suitable for children at different stages of their education, from preschool to primary school, they offer long-lasting educational value. This versatility reduces the need to constantly buy new learning tools, contributing to more sustainable consumption. Families and schools can rely on these toys to provide years of use, making them a cost-effective and eco-friendly option for educational development.


    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are an excellent choice for parents and educators in Dubai and the UAE who are looking for sustainable, safe, and durable educational tools. Made from non-toxic materials, these toys are designed to last, reducing waste and promoting environmentally friendly learning practices. Additionally, their child-safe design ensures that they meet the highest safety standards, making them a reliable choice for young learners. By choosing Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys, you are supporting a more sustainable future while giving children the tools they need to succeed in their education.

    Educational Benefits of Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys

    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are an excellent tool for children aged 3 to 10 years to learn math in a fun, hands-on way. These toys are perfect for homes and classrooms in Dubai and across the UAE, supporting early education and helping children master basic math skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. By making math more engaging, these toys encourage children to enjoy learning and build a strong foundation in math, preparing them for future academic success.

    1. Improves Cognitive Development

    Using Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys allows children to think critically and solve problems through active play. By physically moving the magnetic numbers, children develop essential problem-solving and cognitive skills. This approach helps young learners in Dubai and the UAE engage with math concepts, making it easier to understand and retain the knowledge.

    Children’s brains are more stimulated when they actively participate in their learning, and Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys give them the chance to visualize numbers and equations while solving simple and complex problems.

    2. Builds Confidence in Math

    For many children, math can be intimidating, but Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys make learning math less stressful and more enjoyable. The interactive nature of the toys allows children to practice math at their own pace, helping them gain confidence as they solve problems on their own. This self-directed learning helps children in Dubai and the UAE feel more empowered in their studies and removes the fear that often accompanies math learning.

    3. Perfect for Early Childhood Education in Dubai

    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are an excellent resource for early childhood education in Dubai and the UAE. These toys help children learn basic math skills from an early age, setting the stage for future academic success. They are also great for bilingual education, allowing children to switch between learning in English and Arabic, which is important in the diverse culture of Dubai.

    Whether children are learning to count, recognize numbers, or perform basic arithmetic operations, these toys offer a fun, engaging way to support their early education.

    4. Encourages Independent Learning

    With Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys, children can explore math on their own without relying on constant guidance. The toys give kids the freedom to try different number combinations and solve problems independently, building their problem-solving skills and fostering critical thinking. Independent learning is highly valued in the UAE, and these toys provide the perfect opportunity for children to take control of their learning process.

    This type of independent exploration is crucial for developing self-confidence and a sense of responsibility in children, preparing them for more advanced studies.

    5. Enhances Fine Motor Skills

    While children are learning math, they are also developing their fine motor skills by manipulating the magnetic pieces. By picking up, placing, and arranging the numbers and symbols, children improve their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. These skills are important for tasks like writing and other activities that require precise movements.

    For younger children in preschools or kindergarten across Dubai, these toys are an excellent way to combine both intellectual and physical skill development.

    6. Supports Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are ideal for teaching children how to approach problems logically. Kids must think through how to arrange numbers to solve math equations, which enhances their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The toys provide multiple opportunities for children to try different approaches and think creatively while learning math.

    This method of learning fosters a deeper understanding of math concepts, as children can experiment with various ways to solve the same problem.

    7. Great for Group Learning in Classrooms

    In Dubai and the UAE, Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are perfect for group activities in classrooms. Teachers can use the toys to encourage collaboration among students, as they work together to solve math problems and share their ideas. Group learning not only enhances children’s math skills but also helps them develop social skills such as teamwork and communication.

    These toys make math lessons more interactive, which can help children retain information better than traditional learning methods.

    8. Bilingual Education Support

    Given the bilingual environment of Dubai, where both Arabic and English are widely spoken, Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys support language diversity in learning. These toys allow children to learn math in both languages, making them an ideal choice for classrooms and homes in Dubai and the UAE.

    By supporting bilingual education, these toys help children develop strong math skills while also improving their language abilities in both Arabic and English.

    9. Prepares Kids for STEM Education

    The UAE has placed a strong emphasis on STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are a great way to introduce young children to math. These toys help children develop a strong understanding of basic math concepts, which prepares them for more advanced STEM subjects as they progress through school.

    By starting with fun, interactive math learning, kids in Dubai can build the confidence and skills needed for future success in STEM fields.


    Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys provide a wide range of educational benefits for children in Dubai and the UAE. These toys help children develop critical math skills, improve cognitive and motor abilities, and encourage independent learning. Whether used at home or in the classroom, they are a valuable tool for supporting early childhood education, promoting bilingual learning, and preparing children for future STEM education. These toys make math enjoyable and accessible to all children, fostering a lifelong love for learning.

    Product Name: Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys


    • Non-toxic, BPA-free plastic: Safe for children to handle, ensuring no harmful chemicals are present.
    • Magnetic pieces: Strong magnets are securely embedded inside each piece to prevent detachment and ensure durability during play.

    Number of Pieces

    • 100+ pieces: Includes magnetic numbers (0-9), math symbols (+, -, ×, ÷, =) for creating arithmetic problems.

    Size and Dimensions

    • Magnetic numbers and symbols: Each piece is approximately 2.5 cm to 5 cm in height, making them large enough for small hands to grasp comfortably.
    • Box dimensions: The packaging box measures 30 cm x 20 cm x 5 cm, compact enough for easy storage and portability.


    • Vibrant and colorful design: Each piece is brightly colored to capture the attention of young learners and make it easier to differentiate between numbers and symbols. Colors include red, blue, green, yellow, and orange.


    • Total weight: The complete set weighs approximately 500 grams, making it lightweight and easy for children to handle and carry.

    Age Group

    • Recommended age: Suitable for children aged 3 to 10 years. Ideal for preschoolers, kindergarten, and primary school students who are learning arithmetic.

    Learning Areas

    • Math skills: Helps children learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a fun, hands-on way.
    • Cognitive development: Encourages problem-solving, critical thinking, and fine motor skills as children manipulate the pieces.
    • Visual learning: Supports visual learners by helping them see math concepts in action through physical interaction with the numbers and symbols.

    Safety Standards

    • Child-safe materials: Meets international safety standards such as ASTM and EN71, ensuring it is free from small parts that could be a choking hazard.
    • No sharp edges: All pieces have smooth, rounded edges to avoid injury.


    • Eco-friendly packaging: Made from recyclable materials, designed for minimal environmental impact.
    • Storage box included: The set comes in a sturdy box with compartments for organizing and storing the pieces, helping to keep everything tidy.

    Use Cases

    • Home use: Perfect for parents looking to help their children with math homework or to encourage independent learning.
    • Classroom use: Ideal for teachers in Dubai and the UAE looking for interactive math learning tools to use during lessons.
    • Portable: The lightweight and compact size make it easy to carry, perfect for learning on the go, whether at home or during travel.

    Magnetic Surface Compatibility

    • Works on all magnetic surfaces: Can be used on whiteboards, refrigerators, and magnetic boards, offering flexibility for learning environments.

    Language Support

    • Available in English and Arabic: Suitable for bilingual education, especially in Dubai and the UAE where both languages are widely spoken.

    Available At

    • Where to buy: Available online through popular e-commerce platforms such as JUNI TOYS

    Additional Information

    • Weight: 500 grams
    • Dimensions: 30 cm x 20 cm x 5 cm
    • Age: 3 to 10 years
    • Color options: Multi-colored set (red, green, blue, yellow, orange)

    Customer Reviews

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    Best for learning purpose

    Nedra Thompson

    Having bought a child, the thing is good, ale that is not a Rahut, but to hail from magnitiks. Steak

    Torey Sporer

    I loved product, strong enough magnet, all within the expected.

    Christina Schmitt

    Simple calculation play


    1. What are Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys made of?

    Answer: Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys are typically made from BPA-free, non-toxic plastic, ensuring they are safe for children. The magnets are securely embedded inside each piece, and the materials used are durable and eco-friendly, promoting sustainability.

    2. Are Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys safe for toddlers?

    Answer: Yes, these toys are safe for toddlers, provided they meet the age recommendation. Most sets are designed for children aged 3 years and older. The magnetic pieces are large enough to prevent choking hazards, and they meet international safety standards such as ASTM and EN71.

    3. What age group is suitable for Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys?

    Answer: These toys are ideal for children aged 3 to 10 years, making them suitable for preschool, kindergarten, and early primary school students. The versatility of these toys allows them to grow with the child’s learning progression.

    4. Can these toys be used for bilingual education in Dubai?

    Answer: Yes, Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys can be used for bilingual education. They support learning in both English and Arabic, making them highly beneficial in Dubai’s diverse, bilingual educational environment.

    5. How do Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys help with math skills?

    Answer: These toys make math interactive and fun, helping children develop essential math skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. By physically manipulating numbers and symbols, children grasp mathematical concepts more easily through hands-on learning.

    6. Where can I buy Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys in Dubai?

    Answer: You can purchase these toys from popular online platforms like Amazon UAENoon, and educational toy stores like Toyzees. They offer fast delivery within Dubai and across the UAE.

    7. How do I clean Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys?

    Answer: These toys are easy to clean. Simply wipe them with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as this may damage the material or the embedded magnets.

    8. What are the educational benefits of magnetic math toys?

    Answer: These toys promote cognitive development, improve fine motor skills, enhance problem-solving abilities, and make learning math enjoyable. They also encourage independent learning and team collaboration in classroom settings.

    9. How long do Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys last?

    Answer: Made from durable materials, these toys are built to last for years with proper care. Their longevity makes them ideal for long-term use at home and in schools, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

    10. Do these toys support STEM education in the UAE?

    Answer: Yes, Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education, which is a key focus in the UAE. They help children develop foundational math skills essential for later STEM learning.

    11. Can I use Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys in classrooms?

    Answer: Absolutely! These toys are excellent for interactive classroom activities, making math lessons more engaging for students. Teachers in Dubai and the UAE often use them for group learning and collaborative problem-solving exercises.

    12. What is the price range for Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys in the UAE?

    Answer: The price for Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys in the UAE ranges from AED 50 to AED 200, depending on the brand, set size, and additional features.

    13. Are these toys suitable for homeschooling?

    Answer: Yes, these toys are perfect for homeschooling, as they offer a hands-on approach to learning math. Parents can create customized lessons, allowing children to learn at their own pace while still making math enjoyable.

    14. How do Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys help with problem-solving skills?

    Answer: By allowing children to arrange and manipulate numbers to solve equations, these toys promote critical thinking and problem-solving. Children are encouraged to try different approaches and strategies to find the correct solution.

    15. Do Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys improve fine motor skills?

    Answer: Yes, these toys help children develop fine motor skills as they manipulate small magnetic pieces. This strengthens their hand-eye coordination and dexterity, which are essential for writing and other tasks.

    16. What are the best online stores to buy educational toys in the UAE?

    Answer: The best online stores to buy educational toys in the UAE include Amazon UAENoon, and specialty stores like Toyzees. These platforms offer a wide variety of educational toys with fast delivery options.

    17. Can I customize Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys for classroom activities?

    Answer: Yes, teachers can create custom math challenges and group activities using Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys. The toys’ versatility makes them an excellent tool for personalized lesson plans.

    18. Do these toys come with bilingual instructions (English/Arabic)?

    Answer: Many Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys sets come with bilingual instructions in English and Arabic, making them suitable for use in Dubai and other regions in the UAE with diverse language needs.

    19. How can Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys help with independent learning?

    Answer: These toys encourage independent learning by allowing children to explore math concepts at their own pace. Children can solve problems, experiment with different number combinations, and learn to think critically without constant supervision.

    20. Are Magnetic Arithmetic Learning Toys durable for long-term use?

    Answer: Yes, the toys are designed with durability in mind. The BPA-free plastic and secure magnetic construction ensure that they can withstand heavy use, making them perfect for long-term use in both homes and classrooms.

    1. ما هي المواد التي تصنع منها ألعاب الرياضيات المغناطيسية؟

    الجواب: تصنع ألعاب الرياضيات المغناطيسية من بلاستيك غير سام وخالي من BPA، مع مغناطيسات مدمجة لضمان الأمان للأطفال.

    2. هل ألعاب الرياضيات المغناطيسية آمنة للأطفال الصغار؟

    الجواب: نعم، هذه الألعاب آمنة للأطفال وتناسب الفئة العمرية 3 سنوات فما فوق، حيث أن قطعها كبيرة بما يكفي لتجنب خطر الاختناق.

    3. ما الفئة العمرية المناسبة لاستخدام ألعاب الرياضيات المغناطيسية؟

    الجواب: الفئة العمرية المناسبة هي من 3 إلى 10 سنوات، مما يجعلها مثالية لرياض الأطفال والمراحل الدراسية المبكرة.

    4. أين يمكنني شراء ألعاب الرياضيات المغناطيسية في دبي؟

    الجواب: يمكن شراء هذه الألعاب من متاجر مثل أمازون الإمارات ونون، أو متاجر الألعاب التعليمية المحلية مثل Toyzees.

    5. كيف تساعد ألعاب الرياضيات المغناطيسية في تحسين المهارات الحسابية؟

    الجواب: تساعد هذه الألعاب الأطفال على تعلم الجمع والطرح والضرب والقسمة من خلال تفاعل عملي مع الأرقام والرموز، مما يجعل المفاهيم الرياضية أسهل وأكثر متعة.

    6. هل يمكن استخدام ألعاب الرياضيات المغناطيسية في التعليم الثنائي اللغة؟

    الجواب: نعم، يمكن استخدامها في التعليم الثنائي اللغة، حيث يمكن للأطفال تعلم المفاهيم الرياضية باللغة العربية والإنجليزية في آن واحد.

    7. ما هي الفوائد التعليمية لألعاب الرياضيات المغناطيسية؟

    الجواب: توفر هذه الألعاب فوائد تعليمية تشمل تنمية المهارات الفكرية، تحسين المهارات الحركية الدقيقة، وتعزيز التعلم المستقل.

    8. هل هذه الألعاب تدعم تعليم العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات (STEM) في الإمارات؟

    الجواب: نعم، تدعم هذه الألعاب تعليم STEM في الإمارات من خلال تطوير أساسيات الرياضيات الضرورية للتعليم في مجالات العلوم والتكنولوجيا.

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